About Me

In August 2015 I began work in the central career office of a major university and, unknowingly at the time, ignited a passion to bring the power of technology and data analytics to the area of career services. 

Over the several years I have presented webinars on how to leverage the power of labels, how to perform analytics utilizing the tools built into the Handshake platform, and helped develop a data dictionary to help Handshake users more fully utilize the data available to them. 

In that time, I have built interactive dashboards, compiled annual reports, and provided quick data insights into events, appointments, career fairs, and every facet of the work of career services. I started Career Data Works to provide this needed work more broadly to career centers throughout the country. I hope you will consider reaching out to see how I can help your career center. 

Nathan Hunsaker 

Career Data Works
